I wrote an essay that has now been published by The Occidental Observer. The outline is as follows: Some White racialists seem to regard honesty as an impediment. This is a wrong attitude. While propaganda such as the system uses
Year: 2011

This unlicensed “right-wing wireless” station broadcast in 1978-1979, and even attracted the attention of newspapers. A front-page article from The Observer, 18 March 1979 Listen to Undated Broadcast. Listen to Broadcast of 2 November 1979.Story of Radio Enoch. Like The

The Voice of Tomorrow was an unlicensed mediumwave and shortwave station of the late 1970s and 80s that achieved a certain notoriety with occasional* broadcasts. This particular recording was made by a listener to a broadcast on 1616kHz AM on

Paul de Lagarde (1827 – 1891) was a professor at the University of Göttingen and highly respected in the field of ancient Near-Eastern languages. He was chiefly concerned with elucidation of the Bible, but also wrote books about the ancient

Simplistic History Recently I heard Jamie Kelso putting all blame for World War II on Adolf Hitler (Click here to listen): September 1, 1939 the German armies entered Poland, and that was a precipitous moment there, a turning point, a

Introduction The focus here is not on Jews or Marxism or the Underman, although all are mentioned. Rosenberg here is focused on the fact that Capitalism is destructive to the national ethos. This seems to be a more fundamental problem
Tweet What happens when the abnormal brain becomes common? Does it form its own political party? This study of the relationship between political orientation and brain-form, based on questionnaires and MRI scans of the brains of 90 students, was conducted by
The ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica lists some key physical characteristics of the Negro; of particular interest to us are points 1, 3, 8, and 9: (1) the abnormal length of the arm, which in the erect position sometimes
Lord Lester QC, who says that he “contributed to” Roy Jenkins’ speech setting Britain onto the path of multiculturalism rather than assimilation, is a Jew. (The Jewish stake in such a policy is clear enough.) Eric Clapton on Enoch Powell
“Ethnic minorities” is a bit of a euphemism. The arson and looting in the Britain are being perpetrated primarily by members of non-White immigrant populations that have been encouraged to immigrate to Britain since World War II, not European ethnic