Knee-on-the-neck is a standard technique used by the Minneapolis Police Department. According to NBC News, Minneapolis police have used that technique and variants thereof at least 200 times since 2015. They got it from the Israelis. Police attended an Israeli
Professor Robert Faurisson demonstrates that the pattern of deaths at Dachau concentration-camp, where there happens to be a thorough record of all deaths, is completely inconsistent with the Holocaust narrative. Probably the most important point here is that appearances can

Somebody tells Dinesh D’Souza to go back to India, citing his conviction for campaign-finance fraud as a reason why his presence is undesirable. D’Souza responds by rhetorically asking his interlocutor, who most likely is a Democrat, if he would have

During the Good Morning Britain of 27 January 2020 Auschwitz survivor Eva Schloss said this: “And something I wanted to point out to you. You know, there are many pictures about the Russians liberating Auschwitz, and there is never any
The real “cradle of democracy” of course was Athens, Greece. That’s where it was invented. The judgment of educated Greeks about their democracy was not very positive. Alcibiades said, “Democracy is acknowledged folly.” Plato’s philosophy is largely about what a
E. Michael Jones makes a lot of sense, not in every subject, but certainly when he talks about U.S. foreign relations.It is puzzling, how much publicly available information Zionist warmongering seems to ignore. For example, how could they not have

For more information about William C. Bullitt’s character and likely motives read The Jew Who Caused the Second World War. source

This redacted clip from the Radical Agenda show of 2 December 2019 contains foul language and adult references.At Stanford University on 7 November 2019 Ben Shapiro quoted a document from the Communist legal system of post-war Poland, a deposition attributed

This is an excerpt from the Outlaw Conservative show of 27 November 2019. A little more information about Squanto He was the sole survivor of a disease epidemic that struck the Patuxet tribe, who had lived at the site of

Thomas Edsall of the New York Times wrote a column (2 October 2019) presenting and endorsing the paranoid projections of degreed and tenured leftists who accuse President Donald Trump of intending a “coup” in the form of refusing to leave