Thomas Edsall of the New York Times wrote a column (2 October 2019) presenting and endorsing the paranoid projections of degreed and tenured leftists who accuse President Donald Trump of intending a “coup” in the form of refusing to leave
Category: Donald Trump
Neoconservative Jew and Never-Trumper Jon Lerner Lerner is described as a “rabidly neoconservative #NeverTrumper” (FITS News, 6 September 2018), which places him entirely in opposition to the change of policy advocated by Candidate Trump in 2016. Lerner was with the
I wrote this comment on an article for Fox News (27 July 2018) written by corrupt non-White immigrant and convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza. The article pretends to defend President Trump from the accusation of being a White Supremacist, by presenting
I read some reactions to a recent speech by Steven K. Bannon from people identifying as Alt Right. One response, I thought, was overly laudatory, the other overly dismissive. Here I give very briefly my view of Bannon’s relationship to
Tweet I stated in this program that Ernst Thaelmann was shot at the end of the war. That is the prevalent story about Thaelmann’s death and I repeated it because I was unaware that there was a contradictory claim from
Tweet Professor Theodore A. Postol, M.I.T. Theodore A. Postol, a professor of Science, Technology, and International Security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has written a devastating critique of the Trump Administration’s intelligence-report (dated 11 April 2017) on the recent
Tweet Since Donald Trump took office there has been hoopla about a supposed wave of anti-Semitic incidents, which, we are supposed to believe, were perpetrated by Trump’s supporters. The hoopla escalated after President Trump came under attack for not mentioning
Tweet “Germany is still a kind of colony of the United States.” Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor (until 2003) of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung who revealed in his 2014 book Gekaufte Journalisten (to be published in translation later this year
Tweet Donald Trump’s Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor Stephen Kevin Bannon In regard to the hostile reactions toward the appointment of Stephen Bannon, former editor of Breitbart, as Donald Trump’s chief of staff, there is an interesting contrast between the
Tweet Morales, left, and Kafker, right, from the Chicago Tribune. On 11 March 2016 Matthew Kafker and Anthony Morales, both freshmen at Northwestern University in Illinois, were caught on video vandalizing a Christian chapel at the university, leaving graffiti calculated