YouTube has disabled automatic generation of codes for sharing and embedding some of Jared Taylor’s videos, but through Aryan ingenuity I was able to construct the code for Part 2 here. Taylor correctly emphasizes a point that I have been
Year: 2017

WHERE WOULD POOR, DEFENSELESS ISRAEL BE WITHOUT NIKKI HALEY?!? Not a defender in the world — not the media, not congress, not the donor class. Don’t worry Israel, Brave Nikki’s got your back. — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) December 22,
Faith Goldy has made a video criticizing a proposal for merit-based immigration to the United States, whereby immigrants of high ability would receive preference regardless of their origin. She says that Canada already has such a system and that it

This is a corrected version of the Eugenicist Republican meme. About a month ago I wrote that I had accused Dinesh D’Souza of relying heavily on half-truths, and that when Dinesh D’Souza challenged me to cite one of his half-truths,

A thirteen-page letter written by Marcel Nadjari and buried near Krema III at Birkenau, where he allegedly worked in a Sonderkommando, has now been rendered legible, and is being hailed as a central document of the Holocaust. The content of the

Last July I exposed a speech ostensibly composed entirely of Hitler quotes as being composed mostly, in fact, of fake Hitler quotes.The debunking of fake Hitler quotes seems to be a never-ending task, because people are inventing new ones. One

Democrats and Republicans each like to accuse the other of being the real nazis or the real fascists. It’s a very stupid and cowardly game that they play, trying to avoid a label or an association. It has everything to

Milton William Cooper with his Chinese wife and their child. For several years now there has been an effort (for example, by the SPLC) to redirect some of the paranoia about terrorism that developed after 9-11 into a persecution of

A few days ago, Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks show on YouTube was moderating a panel-discussion at the second annual Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. When a Muslim on the panel said that Muslims should pursue moderation (thus implying

The incompetent foreigner made the mistake of challenging me to support my assertion that his book was full of half-truths. The whole point of issuing such a challenge is to say Gotcha! when there is a poor response or no