Tweet The meaning of the German word Volk is of great consequence. Sometimes the interpretation of this single word makes all the difference between whether a particular statement from somebody like Heinrich Himmler does or does not appear to represent
Category: Primary Documents

Tweet I expose the semi-revisionist position that David Irving has espoused in recent years as baseless rubbish. More specifically, I demonstrate that David Irving tells absurd falsehoods to maintain the pretense that there were: (1) limited gassings of Jews in

Published by Carolyn Yeager.

Summary In 1933 the German nation has been experiencing an internal decline for several decades that must be arrested. In particular several decades of declining birth-rate are inauspicious for Germany’s future. Industrialization, urbanization, and economic circumstances are causes of the

Adolf Hitler sent the armed forces of Great Germany into Poland on 1 September 1939. Thereupon Britain and France declared war on Germany. Simplistic history says that it was Hitler’s fault that Britain and France declared war on Germany, since

The following appears in the U.S. Army’s 1943 series of propaganda-films, Why We Fight, at 13:52 in the episode titled Prelude to War. It says: “Only the application of brute force used continuously and ruthlessly can bring about the decision

“The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler,” a.k.a. “The Hitler-Bormann Documents”: a well known Fraud
I am posting this in response to a well known blogger, a philosophiae doctor, who has undertaken to write an apologia for Adolf Hitler in response to one section of Anders Breivik’s “Manifesto.” In so doing he has ventured into

Overview of Alfred Rosenberg’s Essay, Nationalsozialismus by Hadding Scott The German people in the past had folkish (i.e. national) community. The folkish community has become divided as a consequence of the growth of an industrial proletariat in the age of

”Death of the lie”– Marxism and High Finance are different aspects of the same animal. Ch. 10 of Politische Fibel by Hansjoerg Maennel, 16th (1940) edition. Translated by Hadding Scott, 2011. Marxism or Nationalism Marxism stands for Democracy, the International,

Today I was looking at Wikipedia’s entry on Joseph Goebbels and I was startled at the unequivocal claim there that Goebbels had ordered the anti-Jewish violence of “Kristallnacht.” I knew that there had been a rumor or surmise of that