Tweet George Lincoln Rockwell in front of the headquarters of the NSWPP, and his home, on Wilson Boulevard in Arlington. The Murder of George Lincoln Rockwell Hadding Scott adapted from Setting the Record Straight, 22 January 2011
Category: George Lincoln Rockwell

Tweet Early Holocaust Revisionists: Freedman, Hoggan, Barnes, Rassinier. Deborah Lipstadt acquired spurious fame in the 1990s by pontificating against Holocaust Revisionism. Now she pretends to be an expert on the Alt Right too, based on the claim that Holocaust Revisionism
Tweet Negroes sometimes claim great importance for their race in the development of American economic power through their role as slaves picking cotton. Roland Martin, interviewing Richard Spencer in the aftermath of his recent “Hail Trump” speech, said precisely that
A well done presentation of Rockwell’s life. To learn about Rockwell’s death, please visit my other blog. Rockwell was a man of great courage and ability, who spoke some important truths, but it remains an open question with me, to

Some people are direct and say what they mean. Others find ways to be odious while remaining formally gentle and polite. Hear a ten minute clip of George Lincoln Rockwell’s 9 May 1965 appearance on Michael Jackson’s talkshow on KNX Los