Tweet The problem with a nebulous “movement” such as the Alt Right is that anybody with the ability to attract a lot of attention, or with a lot of attention bestowed by mainstream media, can walk in and become prominent
Month: March 2017
Tweet Since Donald Trump took office there has been hoopla about a supposed wave of anti-Semitic incidents, which, we are supposed to believe, were perpetrated by Trump’s supporters. The hoopla escalated after President Trump came under attack for not mentioning
Tweet Of course, these were not the reasons that were stated at the time.
Tweet Today is the day to celebrate kind German physicians, and Germans recklessly defamed. Dr. Joseph Mengele was born on 16 March 1911. Other than Adolf Hitler, Josef Mengele may be the only figure from National-Socialist Germany targeted for demonization
Tweet This is a slightly longer version of the interview posted on Youtube, with some changes that I wanted. Transcript JIM: Hi everyone, Jim Rizoli here. And I have another special guest for the show today, it’s Hadding Scott. And