lTweet Today somebody made the absurd assertion that the German defendants got a fair trial before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. This was how I responded. Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, soon to be Chief Justice,
Category: Allied Atrocities

A famous image from the vastly overrated “London Blitz.” According to one estimate, about nine times as many German civilians were killed by Anglo-American bombing, compared to British civilians killed by German bombing, during the Second World War. Recently I

Mass-media figures in the United States today are commemorating the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 11 September 2001. Sean Hannity, for example, today was playing some maudlin country song with superimposed soundbites of the incompetent and
Torture and Sexual Abuse not new among U.S. Army’s “Interrogation” Techniques We have been down this road before, although most Americans don’t know it. 02 May 2004 “Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees; pouring cold