See, inter alia:Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, especially Vol. I , chapters 2, 3 , and 11, and Vol. II, chapters 2 and 10; Theodor Fritsch, Handbook of the Jewish Question; Schwartz-Bostunitsch , Jewish Imperialism, Chapter 2.Folk and the Jewish QuestionFrom
Month: December 2009
This is a chapter from the 1940 edition of Politische Fibel (The Political Primer of National-Socialism) by Hansjoerg Maennel, which was a collection of summaries to aid those responsible for teaching the doctrines of the NSDAP to new members.
I just read a review of Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement From the Margins to the Mainstream by Leonard Zeskind. It is about the development of White Nationalism prior to the age of ubiquitous internet.

A crude piece of U.S. war-propaganda. Today on Youtube I saw a video intriguingly titled “Hitler the Philosopher.” It consisted of a series of statements attributed to Adolf Hitler, but with no sources given. Some of the alleged quotes struck